Sunday, May 3, 2009

Glo's Week in Review - Vol. 11

Welcome to my new weekly newsletter providing you with a little glimpse into the world of Gloria Miller Music!

I know you've been waiting with betted breath for this edition of Glo's Week in Review." Sorry for the delay, but I'm changing it's release day to Sunday instead of Wednesday. I'm a lot more focused on Sundays after usually sleeping in on Saturday recharging myself physically, and going to church on Sunday recharging myself spiritually! So, here we go ...

Featured Gig

I will be making my debut on Saturday, May 9th at Andrew's @ The Delafield Hotel, performing with Scott Currier on keys. Looking for something to do that night? Come and join The Gloria Miller Duo as we perform your favorite Jazz, Blues and R&B songs with a few surprises thrown in to keep the night interesting. Scott and I will also be previewing a couple tunes from my upcoming CD. You don't want to miss this great night of entertainment. Here are the details ...

Saturday, May 9th
7p - 11p
Andrew's Bar & Restaurant
The Delafield Hotel
415 Genesee Street
Delafield, WI 53018

Scott and I are looking forward to seeing you there on May 9th! Mark your calendars!!!


Let me say that singing in front of people is so much easier than speaking in front of them. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to conduct MAMN's second monthly meeting solo. The meeting was held on April 28th at The Jazz Estate and that entire day I was a nervous wreck. Trying to remember everything that I needed to bring and all the info I wanted to cover was a challenge. It helped that I am very organized and I that I live most of my life pulling things together at the last minute. I was able to have everything ready and set up before the first of our 15 guests arrived.

The meeting went great. Our guest speaker, Mike Canter of shared some incredible insight into social networking and gave us a sneak preview into his social networking site,, and outlined some of the many new features that will be rolling out this Fall, including a new name, If you are a musician and don't have a Sonicjive page setup yet, do it today! There will be some amazing profit-sharing opportunities exclusive to members joining before the Fall rollout.

Also, if you are also a member of MAMN, Sonicjive will host your website for free. Just one of the many benefits of membership in MAMN. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 26th (location TBD). Please mark your calendars and plan on joining us as we work to unite musicians, venues and providers of professional entertainment in the Milwaukee area to position our work to be on the cutting edge of the world's music scene!

CD Project

I can't believe it's already May and I have yet to get into the studio to get my project done. I started working on it in June of last year and really thought it would be done by now! Oh well. I'm trying to put out the best release that I can and that's taking time. We are close, though. Next week we have two rehearsals scheduled and the following week we should be ready to start recording.

In last week's issue I mentioned that we would be using a cello player on the CD. Honestly, at that time that was a sheer statement of faith 'cause I had no idea who that cellist would be. You see, I didn't know any cellists! But, thanks to my friend Cheryl who stopped by my house on Friday, April 24th to drop off a flyer to go to an "Art Walk" in Wauwatosa, I found a cellist!

My friend Georgie and I were chillin' at my house gabbing a mile a minute (as we often do) when Cheryl stopped by on her way up north to drop off the flyer. Georgie and I decided to go and headed over the Wauwatosa. Long story short, as we're walking into the Underwood Gallery, there sits this beautiful woman with a beautiful cello and I whack Georgie on the arm nearly knocking her over 'cause I doubt she weights 100lbs soaking wet ... LOL! As I'm steadying Georgie, I proclaim, "There's my cello player!" Not wanting to freak the cellist out, I hover towards the back of the room while she's finishing up a song. As soon as she was done I pounced ... introducing myself, begging her to consider playing on my CD and getting her business card … all in one breath 'cause I was so excited, LOL!

To make things even more fantastic, the music she was playing was all original and fabulous. (I'm just as excited reliving it ... so much so that I've forgotten to tell you her name. Janet Schiff.) Anyway, she said that she would be able to write the cello part for me, not just play it. I nearly fell over! While tiny Georgie was trying desperately to steady me, I shamelessly gushed over Janet and told her I'd be in touch. YAY ... I have a cellist!

If you'd like a sample of Janet's work, visit her website:

What is so exciting about my CD project is that I'm using all Milwaukee talent and there are some of the best musicians working in this town! I have Scott Currier on keys and helping with arrangements; Jon Matelski on bass; Chris Mell on drums; and Janet on cello. Also, my recording engineer, Glen Quarrie also plays a mean tenor sax so he'll be lending his flavor to the project too! I'm still trying to tie down a guitarist. Oh, how can I forget?... I have Jeff Kuliga throwing down some killer percussion. And that rounds out the project.

As always, I will keep you posted on how the CD is shaping up!

Mirrors of Desire

Just a quick reminder for you to get your ticket for my Milwaukee theatrical debut as I join some amazing Broadway singers in the reading of "Mirrors of Desire," written by Billy Kirchen and James Chudy. Here are the details ...

Mirrors of Desire
Monday, May 11th - 8p
801 S. 2nd Street
Milwaukee, WI

Tickets are $20. Contact me to reserve your ticket or visit to purchase your ticket online.

Well, that's it for this week! Thank you so much for your continued support. As always, I welcome your comments, thoughts and rants.

Join in the conversation!


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