Monday, June 13, 2011


Hello, my name is Gloria Miller, and I'm a whiner!  Ah, let the healing begin.

No one said moving to a new country would be easy, but that's no excuse for the amount of whining I've been doing lately.  My poor husband has to put up with my constant mood swings, while being forced to ride the roller coaster of my emotions.  He's been absolutely brilliant at being there for me while maintaining his own sanity.  I'm sure it helps that he travels a lot so he misses out on some of my mania.

Over the weekend while wallowing in my own self-pity, I was also browsing and found so much inspiration.  The running theme that screamed out to me was Oprah's gratitude for the life she's been blessed with.  Take a look at this clip:  This is the final sign off for the Oprah Winfrey Show. 

After I watched this clip I stopped the whining and began to thank God for all that is amazing about my life.  The list was long and the remembering sweet!  Just that slight shift in my focus put a pep in my step, a smile on my face and a new determination in my heart to focus on the positive and live in the NOW!

What are you most greatful for today?  I look forward to gaining inspiration and insights from your gratitude.  Leave your thoughts in the comments section!
