Thursday, March 31, 2011


During my month-long hiatus I met the most amazing baby … Sweet Annie. Annie is a ball of sunshine and her smile simply melts your heart. Honestly, every time she smiled I wanted to give her money … and she smiled A LOT! Annie belongs to one of my best friends, Kimberly!

I had an epiphany while watching Kimberly care for Annie … and I want to share it with you. Kimberly was bringing Annie back into the front room after nursing her and I noticed that Annie’s cheeks were very rosy … no really, it looked like she had red Christmas lights in her cheeks. I asked Kimberly about it and she said that this happened all the time after Annie would nurse. It dawned on me that Annie was showing physical signs of being nourished by her mother! She sometimes even looked a little tipsy after nursing because her mother’s milk was so satisfying!

The idea of being nourished went around in my head for several days after my visit with the beautiful Lies family, and then when I was having lunch with my sister Ruth, she asked me how I liked being married and I said to her that I had rosy cheeks. She looked at me a bit strange until I told her about Annie! Later, I started to wonder if I’m being nourished in all the areas of my life … physically, mentally, spiritually and in my relationships.

Physically … am I making good choices about the food I put in my body? Am I exercising as much as I should? (Well, now I am ‘cause I’m training for a marathon.) Mentally … am I making good choices about how I spend my time? Am I resting enough? (After a month’s vacation, yeah, I think so!) Am I learning new things and challenging my brain? (Use it or lose it!) Spiritually … am I connected to my local church? (I’m working on it.) Am I able to still myself enough to connect with God? Can I feel his guidance? Relationships … am I surrounded by toxic people? Do I have the strength to walk away from toxic people? Am I a good friend?

I’m not sure if my cheeks are “Annie” rosy in all of these areas, but I do feel nourished in them. What about you … are your cheeks rosy? If you feel that they aren’t in any one of these areas, then it’s up to you to connect with the things that nourish you and to walk away from the things that don’t!
