Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Glo's Week in Review - Vol. 7

Welcome to my new weekly newsletter providing you a quick look into what's currently happening with Gloria Miller Music!

Okay, so it turns out the third time is not a charm ... LOL! I just can't seem to find a format that I like and want to stick with. So, I'm back to combining the newsletter with my blog. This allows me to not only share my weekly shananigans with those of you who are on my mailing list, but also to my friends on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.

So, here we go ...


On Friday, March 13, Sam Steffke and I were Back at the Bayou! What a great place to perform and this time I had some food. WOW. Very good. I had a Shrimp Poboy and I had about 15 minutes to eat it in between sets. Besides having to swallow a few burps during the second set the sandwich was amazing and I'm looking forward to hitting the Bayou again when I'm not performing so I can indulge in the Jambalaya. Care to join me? Just say when and I'm there ... LOL!

We also had a people celebrating birthdays and anniversaries so I found myself singing happy birthday a couple times, and serenading couples with their favorite song for their anniversary. Here's one birthday girl, Tracy (second from the left) with her boyfriend, sister and me.


I have to admit this project is stressing me out. I'm coordinating the musicians, the studio, and working on the song arrangements. That's a lot to juggle and sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed. On Monday, I came very close to simply throwing in the towel and calling it quits. Thanks to Joel Osteen's very encouraging "free" podcasts ... specifically the one entitled "You're Closer than you Think," I was encouraged to keep moving forward and not to grow "weary in well doing."

I met with Scott Currier who's playing the piano on the project and helping me with the song arrangements, so at least I feel like we're making some progress. I'm actually still writing songs for the project. Since I'm not booked to perform this weekend, I'll use that time to work on the last two songs.


I'm not Irish, but that didn't stop me from celebrating St. Patrick's Day! The best thing about the day was how warm it was in Milwaukee. It was sunny and that fact alone was enough to make you want to celebrate. Anyway, after work my friend Cheryl and I headed over to "McBob's" for a traditional Corn Been 'n Cabbage boiled dinner. I didn't have any "green" beer, but there was plenty of it floating around the place. Then I headed over the Transfer Pizzeria & Cafe ( to "audition" to get booked, but there were so many singer's there, it turned into a regular JAM session. Another great singer, Brenda Smith ( was there and she brought the house down. Crooner Jerry Grillo ( was there wowing the crowd with his awesome vocals, and then there was me trying to hold my own up against these amazing performers. I gave it a good effort ... LOL! My friend Georgie met me there and then we headed off to swing dance.

Georgie has been inviting me to go swing dancing for weeks and I finally worked up the nerve to go. Swing is usually held at The Milwaukee Ale House, but because of St. Patrick's day, it was moved to The Warehouse. I honestly had only planned to be a spectator, but before I knew it I was on the dance floor. Apparently, I'm an old man magnet 'cause every old man in the room seemed to find his way to me and ask me to dance ... LOL! Finally, a young one grabs me to dance and I couldn't help feeling a bit like a pedofile every time he put his arms around my waist. He was a mere child! LOL. Really, I had a great time and can't wait to go again.

If you're interested in learning how to Swing dance, Maureen Majeski teaches lessons in various locations around the Miilwaukee area. Check out her website for more info ( Maybe I'll see you at the Ale House next Tuesday!


Just a reminder that the Milwaukee Area Musicians Network will be holding it's first networking meeting on Tuesday, March 24th! Here are the details ...

MAMN Networking Meeting
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
6p - 8p
@ Bucketworks
1340 N. 6th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 305-1324

This event is being sponsored by Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, O2M Productions & Bucketworks.

If you are a musician in the Milwaukee area, please plan on joining us for what promises to be a great kickoff meeting and a continue source of valuable information regarding the local music scene. To RSVP, email

That's it for this week!

Thank you so much for your continued support. As always, I welcome your comments, thoughts and rants.

Join in the conversation!


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