Friday, July 23, 2010

Stuck in the Middle

Have you ever felt like you were stuck “in the middle?”  That’s how I’m feeling these days and rightly so. Here’s why. I seem to be somewhere in the middle between …

Old & Young - I turned 44 this month and somehow that seems waaaaaayyyyyy older than 43. I find myself modifying my goals ‘cause it seems unrealistic to keep “trying” at this age. I know that’s not where my head should be … but it is!

Being a Mother & Being Childless - Trust me, Neal and I are definitely trying to rectify this one. Until I was 37 I never thought I wanted kids. Then I met Neal and something changed … I also started having night sweats. The idea that the “kid-having thing” might no longer be under my control seemed to have jump-started my internal clock. I swear, prior to that, I never heard the tick, tock!

Famous & “Who?” - Worldwide CD release, minimal sales. Wanna buy a CD?

American & British - My husband Neal is British and I just moved to the UK this month. I didn’t think I’d feel so lost during this transition period, but I am. It’s only been a couple weeks but I’m not sure where to start in order to plug myself into “this” life. I’m slowly coming out of neutral and into first gear. I guess that is a start, right?

Fat & Thin – Currently, bulge is winning. But I’m not defeated yet. Two-weeks ago I started “Body for Life” and I gained 1 pound! I’m pretty sure that 1 pound is muscle and not the nachos I ate on the cruise ship last week!

My Ego & My Self - Can’t I just be me? Why are we defined by what we do instead of who we are? Wife … daughter … sister … friend … singer … entertainer … writer … when these titles are striped away, what’s left? Me. Is that enough?

So I ask again … Have you ever felt stuck in the middle? I would love to hear about your “middle” ground or how you’ve managed to pick a side. As always, I welcome your thoughts, rants and comments!

Much love …


Monday, July 12, 2010

CD Release, Wedding, Relocation – Update

CD Release

It’s been almost 2 months since “Let Go” was released and I’m amazed at the wonderful feedback I’m getting on the project. It’s one thing when you think you’re great … it’s something completely different when someone else thinks you’re great, LOL! The release party was at Piano Blu on May 14th and it was an awesome night. So many of my friends and family came out to support and buy the CD. I have worldwide distribution through and worldwide airplay through, so I’ve also had some internet sales and internet airplay all around the world. The latest single, “Your Touch,” is available as a free download when you join my mailing list. Join and download yours today!


About a week before the wedding I seriously started to wonder why people even bother with planning big ceremonies. Everything was starting to go wrong, people who I thought I could count on went AWOL and time was ticking away! Then, June 5th arrived and it was one of the happiest days of my life. Honestly, I couldn’t stop smiling. When I began planning the wedding, I knew I wanted it to be an intimate setting with the people who love and support Neal and me. We arranged the ceremony so that Neal and I would face the audience instead of having our backs to them, and as I stood there looking around the room, all I saw were the faces of the people I love most in the world and I was overwhelmed by the love and joy emanating from them! It was an incredible day.

I have to say a little about the honeymoon too …

Neal and I do a lot of travelling between the US and the UK, as well as for Neal’s work, so the last thing we wanted to do was spend a lot of time travelling to a destination. We decided to take a “driving” trip through some of the New England states. We flew into Providence, Rhode Island where we picked up our rental car and embarked on a week of leisurely drives, Bed & Breakfasts, and the best seafood I’ve ever tasted! We visited Cape Cod; Cheers in Boston; Portland, Maine; and Bar Harbor, Maine where we spent two days exploring Acadia National Park and eating lobster.

Of course, a week wasn’t long enough. As soon as I started to unwind, it was time to come back home. We were so blessed that we travelled when we did, ‘cause we were just ahead of the mad rush that the area was gearing up for. We were able to spend time walking and travelling at our own pace without the hassle of traffic and the typical tourist trade. We even stuck to the coastal roads instead of the main highways, and some of the views of the seaside and the homes were breathtaking. We’d like to go back in the fall when the leaves are changing … that has to be amazing!


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It’s official now, I’m a UK Resident. I applied for my Spouse VISA just before the wedding and was expecting to have the VISA before we left for the honeymoon. We knew that we would only have a few days after the honeymoon before Neal would have to fly back to the UK for work, and we were hoping I’d be able to go with him. Of course, the VISA didn’t come before Neal had to leave, so less than a week after the honeymoon, Neal left me. We were only separated for a couple weeks. The VISA arrived about 3 days after Neal left, but since he was headed right to a ship for work, we decided to fly me over later when he’d be back home to get me from the airport. That was Saturday, July 2nd.

Packing up my house was strange. However, when I first moved into the house in 2007, I kept saying that I’d only be living in it for a couple years. Neal was completely out of the picture at that time, but somehow I knew my living there would be temporary. By the time I sold or gave away my stuff, my life was reduced to eight boxes that cost a small fortune to ship to the UK. Did you know that the post office will only ship boxes internationally by Priority Mail? Well, I didn’t! Neal and I were sweating bullets as the dollars were adding up as the clerk weighed each box. Well, in actuality, it cost under $1,000 which is much less than it would have cost had I been shipping furniture, etc. I basically shipped music, clothes, books, and all my memories that you simply can’t get rid of (photos, year books, video tapes of shows, etc.).

So, I’m starting over yet again and I’m jumping in with both feet. I’m excited to see what happens over the next few months as I adjust to my new marriage, home and country! I love the idea of having a fresh start and feel like this is a chance to reinvent myself. Please stay tuned to this blog and take the journey with me! Come on … it will be fun!!

As always, I welcome your thoughts, rants or comments!  Join the conversation ...